Future Island-Island

Led by: Prof. Justin Magee, University of Ulster  

Future Island-Island will focus on citizen attitudes and behaviours through speculative design engagement, focused design initiatives, prototyping of new products and interrogation of circular economies.

This project will utilise design to harness the potential of small countries to positively transform waste culture and behaviour, organisational change, and innovation generation through an accelerated journey of just community empowerment, applied design and worldbuilding.

By extending and deepening existing interdisciplinary research, this 'enculturing transition design' programme works through a range of community-based concerns (e.g. local waste management) alongside regional place-based challenges (e.g. coastal pollution and the negative impacts of tourism).

Project team

Early Career Researchers:

Alec Parkin, Clare Mulholland, Cormac McGarrigle, Dominic Logan, Edwar Calderon, Emma Camplell, Eoghain Meakin, Henry Melki, Jennifer Jackson-Smyth, Jonny Weir, Martin McGinn, Philip O’Neill, Rebecca McConnell, Sarah Dargie, Sean Cullen, Terry Quigley, Ying Zheng

Justin Magee

Professor Justin Magee is the Principal Investigator for Future Island-Island. This is one of the four Green Transition Ecosystems, part of the Future Observatory: Design the Green Transition