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Applications: Now Open
design researchers in residence 2024/25
Apply now to join the new cohort of Design Researchers in Residence with projects responding to the theme of ‘artificial’
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Fables for Our Time
Fables for our Time is a triptych of stories about environmental urgencies, which uses folktales and a new collection of emoji to examine humanity’s relationship with the natural environment. Fables
Discover Future Observatory Journal, Issue Nº1
Last month to visit: Solar
From sundials to solar panels, baseball caps to brise-soleils, the design of our lives has long been shaped by the sun. Solar brings together the work of the four 2023/24 Design Researchers in
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Design Researchers in Residence 2024 Solar Talks
The return of the grand narrative
Justin McGuirk revisits his three-tiered framework for impact in design research, with a particular focus on stories. Does the ‘green transition’ not demand a new grand narrative?
Justin McGuirk
The impact of design: symptoms, systems and stories
At Future Observatory we increasingly think about impact in terms of three different levels: symptoms, systems and stories. Design can help us to imagine a different future, tackling the climate crisis through creativity and innovation.
Justin McGuirk
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Funding opportunity: Design Accelerators
Apply for funding to undertake design-led solutions to address the climate crisis. Funding will be provided to support engagement activities with local communities, public and third sector organisations.
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Funding opportunity: more-than-human
Apply for funding to develop design-led projects around the theme of more-than-human design.
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Design Exchange Partnerships 2024: Biodiversity
Design Accelerators 2024: Commercialisation
Growing a Home, with Material Cultures
Recycling Colour, with Aida Rafat
Stone Age revival, with Amin Taha
Luxury from Landfill, with Elvis & Kresse
Algae Farming, with Samuel Iliffe
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