
About Future Observatory
Applications: Now Open

How do you solve a housing crisis in a climate crisis?

Although the construction sector is committed to meeting net zero targets, barriers to adopting the necessary strategies to achieve this still exist. This report compiles surveyed experiences from construction industry professionals, designers, policy makers and researchers, to better understand how the systemic changes necessary might be catalysed.
Author: Ruth Lang

Funding opportunity

Apply for funding to develop design-led projects around the theme of more-than-human design.
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Future Observatory Journal – Issue Nº1

How do you solve a housing crisis in a climate crisis?

Over the past year, Future Observatory has been pursuing a strand of research focused on low-carbon housebuilding . The UK has a longstanding housing crisis, and yet any large-scale housebuilding
Author: Ruth Lang

Future Observatory Journal launches with issue on bioregioning

“If ever there was a time to consider alternative ways of building a future, it is now. What we do this decade will shape the rest of the century. But what if, rather than fetishising innovation, what
Author: Justin McGuirk
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Design Exchange Partnerships 2024: Biodiversity


Design Accelerators 2024: Commercialisation

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Free display: Future Observatory

Design research for the green transition. The first display in a new dedicated space for research at the Design Museum is now open. The Future Observatory display showcases six researchers from across
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Nine new biodiversity research projects join the Design Exchange Partnerships programme

Supporting biodiversity is becoming an increasingly urgent focus of design research practice. With many ecosystems and species in decline, human interdependence on natural systems is ever more

Six Design Accelerator projects to drive a new generation of green innovation

Building on the theme of ‘communities,’ the new cohort of six projects will 'commercialise' their innovative solutions to accelerate the green transition across the UK.
Author: Salah ud Din

“Furniture is a platform whereby we can tell new stories about the environment”

This project explores how waste materials can be used to make new things. They worked with Fishy Filaments in Cornwall, Harris Tweed Hebrides in Scotland and furniture maker Wood Bros in Hertfordshire to understand the challenges of turning different waste materials, such as fishing nets and wool, into new furniture. Their first prototype, a chair, also acts as a story telling platform from which to create new narratives and imagine what a sustainable future might look like.
Andrea Conde Pereira

‘A good poem can take you to places you are not expecting’

Design Exchange Partnerships bring design researchers together with non-academic organisations, such as businesses, NGOs or local councils, in strategic partnerships capable of addressing green
Liesl Maria Bragança