Designing a bio-sensitive visualisation for saltmarsh conservation

University of Strathclyde

Siskin Asset Management Limited (SAML) has developed a system of coastal protection which comprises of sustainably available natural materials anchored on shorelines. This structure then acts to capture mobile sediment and promote re-vegetation of the existing coast to increase resilience to erosion.

With the aim to accurately measure and monitor how the system affects biodiversity over time, this project will be employing human-centred design techniques to support the specification, generation and evaluation of a Biodiversity Digital Twin (BioDT). This will be a physical representation of the model that is augmented with digital information gathered from sensors and measurements of the system when it is in situ. This will provide an interactive and engaging demonstrator which describes how biosystems and ecosystems can recover and grow post-installation, and will be utilised for communicating the long-term impact of the system to a wider range of potential stakeholders.

Project team

Academic Supervisor: Andrew Wodehouse

Research Associate: Konstantinos Petrakis

Non-Academic Partner: Siskin Asset Management Ltd.

Andrew Wodehouse

Dr Andrew Wodehouse is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management at the University of Strathclyde. Andrew will be the Principal Investigator for the

Konstantinos Petrakis

Konstantinos Petrakis is a Research and Teaching Associate at the department of Design Manufacturing and Engineering Management at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. His doctorate explores new