Building neighbourhoods of the future, Civic Square

Future Observatory is keen to showcase Civic Square’s bold ten-year vision to build a new public square in Birmingham, retrofitting and repurposing old industrial buildings to reimagine and collectively build a vibrant, well-resourced, 21st-century place where communities gather.

This public square will be designed to be regenerative, flexible, adaptable, open and sustainable, acting as a local economic multiplier.

It will co-create social infrastructure, and be home to practical resources and physical spaces for making, cooking, working, growing and playing, with a purpose-built home developed by and for children and families. This could offer a model for civic development in which sustainability, culture and community come together with powerful results. 

Civic Square

Civic Square, based in Birmingham, is a bold approach to visioning, building and investing in civic infrastructure for neighbourhoods of the future. It builds on the Impact Hub Birmingham and