Make Space for BEES

University of Plymouth

The Make Space for BEES project will develop design-led solutions to address specific challenges facing biodiversity such as nature recovery and biodiversity net gain by co-creating rewilding tools for empowering younger people to support pollinator habitats. The project will, therefore, grant them greater agency in taking action to address biodiversity concerns in their local green spaces – their school grounds.

The project will work collaboratively in a place-based approach with the innovative organization Pollenize and younger people through five secondary schools in Cornwall, UK for co-creating design solutions that enable the project to have meaningful impact on the green transition.

The project will also develop creative digital tools and engagement materials that can be used at scale by groups working with younger people (e.g. schools) to subsequently inform the Regional Nature Recovery Plans and National Education Nature Park agenda.  

Project team

Academic Supervisor: Katherine Willis

Research Associate: Ashita Gupta

Non-Academic Partner: Pollenize CIC

Ashita Gupta

Ashita is a Research Associate at the University of Plymouth. Ashita Gupta is the Research Associate for the ‘Make Space for BEES’ Design Exchange Partnership . An Architect turned Urban Designer, she

Katherine Willis

Katharine Willis is the Associate Head of School (Research) for Art, Design and Architecture and a Professor in Smart Cities and Communities at the University of Plymouth. Her research expertise


Pollenize is a pioneering organisation committed to safeguarding pollinators using innovative technologies. Founded by Owen and Matt in 2018, Pollenize was originally conceived to enhance urban