Designing safe and biodiverse green spaces in prisons

University of Birmingham

Working with project partners the Ministry of Justice and prison-building contractor Kier, the project will produce a Design Guide for green spaces in prisons applicable across the UK and beyond. Its utilisation will directly support enhanced biodiversity across a significant proportion of the public estate, and with it, the wellbeing of those who live and work in prisons.

Project team

Principal Investigator: Dominique Moran

Co-Investigator: Jonathan Sadler

Research Associate: Emma Collett

Non-Academic Partners: Ministry of Justice and Kier Construction

Dominique Moran

Dominique Moran is a Professor in Carceral Geography at the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Emma Collett

Emma Collett is a doctoral researcher, chartered Landscape Architect and lecturer in Landscape Architecture and Sustainable Urbanism at Birmingham City University. Built upon a foundation of art