Mapping the Net Zero Transformation of Healthcare Ecosystems, Enes Unal

Dr Enes Unal

Research Overview

The NHS - University Hospital Coventry Warwick (UHCW – West Midlands) ecosystem is chosen for this research given its criticality, relevance and innovativeness. The UHCW is one of the five UK trusts that have been selected for the Virginia Mason Institute partnership to boost innovation and continuous improvement. Also, it was the first hospital to administer a COVID-19 vaccine in the UK.

The purpose of the UHCW ecosystem is to become a national and international leader in healthcare while simultaneously achieving net zero goals.

The research took place between 1st July 2022 and 15th February 2023 with a grant award of £19,747.24.  

Mapping the Net Zero Transformation of Healthcare Ecosystems: The Case of NHS – University Hospital Coventry Warwick (UHCW)

Dr Enes Unal

Author: Enes Unal

Enes Unal

Dr Enes Unal is a Lecturer in Circular Economy and Innovation at Cranfield University, Centre for Competitive Creative Design (C4D). Enes completed his PhD at Politecnico di Milano, School of