Liesl Maria Braganca

Liesl Maria Bragança is a spatial practitioner and researcher.

Liesl is currently pursuing a Masters degree in architecture at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London (UAL), as part of which she undertook a placement with Future Observatory. During this she carried out a climate audit for the 2023 Design Researchers in Residence: Islands: exhibition, and illustrated the material mapping through animated flipbooks and a drawing.

Her work is situated within the intersection of faith and the climate. Working with coastal communities, habitats, and climate change due to rising sea water levels through a lens of faith.

She often uses drawings, paintings, emotional or memory mapping as the means of conveying her work. One of the projects that she was a part of, was selected and is currently on display at the ‘How to Build a Low-Carbon Home’ exhibition at the Design Museum from July 2023 - March 2024.

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Islands: Material Mapping

A project by Liesl Maria Bragança as part of a student placement with Future Observatory

How to Build a Low-Carbon Home

Design Researchers in Residence: Islands