Lewis Urquhart

Design Exchange Partnerships 2023

Dr Lewis Urquhart is a Research Associate at the department of Design Manufacturing and Engineering Management at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

His research interests are wide, originally undertaking his doctorate exploring design emotion and ontologies of making and manufacturing. He has since undertaken work in a range of other areas including physical-digital interaction, virtual and augmented reality applications and design for rehabilitation, notably in the EU Horizon 2020 project PRIME-VR2.

Lewis was the Research Associate for the AHRC's Design Exchange Partnership project 'Visualisation and engagement toolkit for coastal erosion system' which created a visualisation tool using an adaptable physical prototype in conjunction with an augmented reality application.

Lewis is currently a researcher with the AHRC-funded project Design HOPES, led by Professor Paul Rodgers and Professor Mel Woods. One of the Green Transition Ecosystems, the project aims to tackle the critical sustainability challenges within NHS Scotland. 

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Design Exchange Partnerships

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