Clio Padovani

Design Accelerator 2024

Prof. Clio Padovani is a senior academic in the Department of Fashion and Textiles, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton.

Between 2019 and 2022 she was Deputy Head of School (Education) at WSA. The methodology of tapestry weaving connects all her practice and writing: the consistent aim of the research has been to engage audiences with valorising and recovering textile skills in their shared cultural significance. After completing two EU funded projects exploring design heritage as a driver for policy innovation in the textile industry, Clio published Sustainability and the Social Fabric: Europe’s new textile Industries, Bloomsbury, 2017.  

Her current interest is in socially sustainable manufacturing models, developed as an essay for Vol 6, Trade and Industry, in the forthcoming Bloomsbury Encyclopaedia of World Textiles.

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Design Accelerators 2024


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Design Accelerator 2024

Design Accelerators

Supporting engagement between universities and their local communities