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Low-carbon Homes: Housing construction for the green transition

Although the construction sector is committed to meeting net zero targets, barriers to adopting the necessary strategies to achieve this still exist. This report compiles surveyed experiences from construction industry professionals, designers, policy makers and researchers, to better understand how the systemic changes necessary might be catalysed.
   Author: Ruth Lang

Designing the Green Transition UK fashion interventions to implement a circular fashion ecosystem: upstream

This research report has a focus on broad themes across fashion supply chain steps of design, sourcing and manufacture only, to answer the primary research question: How sector interventions can enable implementation of a circular fashion ecosystem, specifically in the upstream supply chain? Across the core themes of the upstream supply chain, this report presents findings based on research conducted from January to April 2023, using primary data the IPF gathered between 2021 and 2023 from across the fashion industry. This includes SME fashion designers in the BFC network, academia, brands, retailers, consultants, collectors & sorters & reprocessors, digital innovators, logistics providers, institutions and the third sector.
   Author: Institute of Positive Fashion

A Co-Creative Climate: Participatory design's emerging role for Glasgow's sustainable development

This Design Ecosystem Fellowship focused on mapping the emerging role of participatory design in Glasgow’s sustainable development. Glasgow hosted COP26 in November 2021, which stimulated support for net zero and nature-based enterprise (NBE) initiatives in the city’s local enterprise ecosystem across private, public and third sector projects and collaborations.
   Author: Michael Pierre Johnson

Mapping the Net Zero Transformation of Healthcare Ecosystems: The Case of NHS – University Hospital Coventry Warwick (UHCW)

The UHCW is one of the five UK trusts that have been selected for the Virginia Mason Institute partnership to boost innovation and continuous improvement. The purpose of the UHCW ecosystem is to become a national and international leader in healthcare while simultaneously achieving net zero goals.
   Author: Enes Unal

The Circular Personal Care Ecosystem for Yorkshire

The aim of this exploratory research was to map the innovative personal care product ecosystem of Yorkshire by identifying the main components of the ecosystem, showing examples of initiatives accelerating the sector’s shift to circularity and highlighting current trends and future opportunities.
   Author: Anna Alessi

Design Researchers in Residence 2021/22 RESTORE

This publication features the work of the 2021/22 Design Researchers in Residence. It accompanies an exhibition staged at the Design Museum from June to September 2022. Throughout their residency at the Design Museum, this year's cohort have been applying a restorative lens to their respective fields and projects. In the fields of design, restoration typically describes the act of fixing or mending an object: a salvaged piece of furniture, a cracked screen, a rusty bicycle. Design Researchers in Residence is Future Observatory’s programme for emerging design researchers hosted at the Design Museum.
   Authors: Thomas Aquilina, Delfina Fantini Van Ditmar, Samuel Iliffe, Sanne Visser, George Kafka & Lila Boschet