Green Transition Ecosystems

Awards will be announced in July 2023

We are no longer accepting applications

Apply for large-scale funding to conduct research to address distinct challenges posed by the climate crisis.

Capitalising on clusters of design excellence, Green Transition Ecosystems (GTEs) are large scale projects that focus on translating the best design-led research into real-world benefits. GTEs will connect directly with the wider Future Observatory: Design the Green Transition programme.

Each GTE will identify a green transition challenge(s) its consortium is uniquely able to address and develop a programme of research and innovation activity tailored to addressing them through high-quality, multidisciplinary and intersectoral design research. The challenge(s) each GTE seeks to address should require and promote the sustainable integration and leadership of arts and humanities design research in multidisciplinary fields of study related to net zero and the green transition.

This is a multidisciplinary and multisectoral opportunity and it is expected that the combined project team will bring a strong track record across a breadth of areas. Each GTE consortia will be led by a suitably qualified director (principal investigator), based at a UKRI-eligible research organisation and with a demonstrable and relevant academic track record.

The full economic cost of each project can be up to £4.625 million. The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) will fund 80% of the full economic cost for 19 months (September 2023 to March 2025).

Awards will be announced July 2023.

discipine multidisciplinary
eligibility based at a UK research organisation eligible for AHRC funding
ecosystem composition 2 UK-based, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) eligible research organisations
2 UK-based and registered businesses operating in the design economy
1 public sector organisation
1 third sector, civil society or community organisation


Green Transition Ecosystems

Translating design-led research into real-world benefits